Friday 8 November 2013


So there's this place, called Working Links, and they're supposed to help you get back into employment and shit. They send out mass emails filled with job applications ranging from Shop Assisstant to Brain Surgen (okay that's a lie but you get the point) spend little to no energy actually trying to help people, despite what their shitty posters say.

My advisor is a dick. No wait, that's an insult to male anatomy. He's an asshole, no one likes assholes. Anyway, this guy...oh my God, this guy. I leave that building every time with my hands itching because I want to slap his self rightous smug filled smile off his face. He acts like his helping me is some kind of service to society, when in reality he's just a glorified Googler. Seriously, I do what he does the only difference is I don't get paid for it.